
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The destruction of hairs from colorful shampoos and conditioners

Ubqari Magazine - March 2017

For the protection of hairs, they should surely be combed. From this hairs remain clean and there is their abundance too. By doing comb, there remains the fear of hairs being connected. That’s why to beautify the hairs, the use of such comb is better, whose teeth are not sharp.

Till where it is seen by us that mostly women don’t give special attention towards protection of hairs and to get increase in their beauty. The result comes this that small, without shine hairs, lay hindrance in their natural beauty. We don’t mean this that dry hairs are damaging. We have seen a lot to those people who haven’t applied oil in their hairs from many years. But they are healthy and fit. But till where it is the relation of beauty, dry hairs are mostly the hindrance between the increases of beauty. Therefore, it is the responsibility of every woman that as she gives attention towards the increase in beauty of other organs, similarly she should pay full attention towards the beauty of hairs. The hairs should be washed every week because apart from washing, there is no other such way from which the hairs could remain clean. For average Pakistani women, this is not possible that they may wash their hairs every day. Therefore once in every week if along with washing hairs, both are also taken so it will be much beneficial. If every day is not possible, so it is necessary to take bath after leaving one day, for washing hairs, following things can be brought into work:

Amla: Dry amla is the best thing to wash the hairs. From it the hairs become long, shiny and soft and black.

Gram flour: The gram flour shall be crushed finely. It shall be applied in hairs and washed nicely. From it the hairs become soft and shiny.

Soap berry: It shall be soaked in water for whole night after breaking. At morning, it shall be rubbed in water and the hairs shall be washed from it. From it the hairs become soft. Mostly women get into the matter of advertisements for washing hairs and use expensive shampoos and soaps. In our suggestion, apart from those expensive soaps and shampoos, more benefit can be gained by washing hairs with these cheap things. After washing hairs, until they become completely dry, till then they should not be tied in some thick cloth or towel and then left open in air. By having air and sunlight, the hairs will remain beautiful, shiny and silky. After making them dry, the oil should be applied in them and then combed. At night, while sleeping, it’s good to sleep with open hairs. Apart from this, on every eighth or tenth day, it’s good to have massage of head. First of all the head should be washed from anything mentioned above and the hairs shall be rubbed much with fingers. Then the hairs should be washed with hot water. After that, nut oil, fresh butter or grinded amla, make their paste and it shall be applied to the hairs. It should also be rubbed for some time and then washed. Then the hairs should be washed with cold water and the head should be dried. By regularly doing massage like this, the hairs grow, their falling stops and the head remains light. For getting safe from flu the hairs should be dried in open sunlight only. When they become nicely dried then the oil should be applied to them. For applying oil in hairs, the coil of tamarind, coconut or mustard is best. Market creams mostly gives to the hairs. With oil, the hairs, grow and remains black. It is beneficial for brain for this reason the oil of amla is also good. It makes hair strong along with being cold. Apart from this, the oil of henna is also good for hairs. From it also the hairs remain strong and black. For the protection of hairs, they should surely be combed. From this hairs remain clean and there is their abundance too. By doing comb, there remains the fear of hairs being connected. That’s why to beautify the hairs, the use of such comb is better, whose teeth are not sharp. If the brush is being used, so it shall also not be very hard. Every day, at morning, first of all hairs shall be slightly combed. From it hairs don’t break and remains healthy. Plus, there gets increase in their shine.

The fall and breaking of hairs:

The hairs get broken for two reasons, due to physical sickness and due to be ignorant from the hairs. If the hairs break and fall due to physical sickness, the attention should e pain towards them. Mostly by having some problem in head, the hair fall and becomes white from many places. For growing hairs on those places, following ways can be adopted. Burn ivory and in its ash, mix equal amount of rasoonat, pure musaffa, grind it finely in good milk. By applying it at night, it should be washed at morning. By using it regularly for few days, the hairs start growing. Where there are no hairs, on that place, rub fresh union and apply little bit of honey and after washing one hour with water, apply custer oil. The usage of 10 to 15 days regularly is necessary. The place where there are no hairs, there grind the garlic and apply black surma, with usage of few days, the hairs will start growing. Hairs usually fall in the condition of weakness of brain. To stop them, following ways can be brought into work. Crush amla in lemon juice and rub in the roots of hairs. By rubbing piece of lemon in head, the hair fall stops. There is dryness in the head of mostly women, from which the irritation gets started and white dandruff starts falling. To remove it, following ways are beneficial. Wash head with amla. To wash head with soap of glycerin. To mix kafoor fragrance and suhaga in water and then wash. When you want to take bath, then some time before the amla shall be crushed nicely and applied to hairs. The hairs become black, shiny and soft with it. But along with it, it is necessary that the hairs are strong. For it the beet root shall be applied to hairs after crushing. This is the best tonic for hairs. With it hairs become strong and black. By washing head after boiling leaves of henna till some days the roots of hairs become strong and their falling also stops. In days of winter, the benefit is also done by opening hairs of head and giving them sunlight. The soap shall not be applied to hairs, because the caustic soda which is used in making of soap is damaging for hairs. With it the roots of hairs become weak and the softness and shine of hairs also goes. Before taking bath, break 5 to 7 soup berry and spread bubbles in it with hands and applied to head. From it the hairs become completely clean, the shine and softness also remains. As much it is possible, get safe from frothy and colorful shampoos and conditioners. They only produce temporary shine. There dangerous effects get revealed after sometime when it is very late. You see your aged women. Till old-age their hairs do become white but their shine don’t finish. The reason is only this that they used to take care of hairs with amla made at home, oil of soup berry, salty butter milk, nuts and other house hold tips like these and their hairs used to remain thick, long and shiny always.

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